Stay in touch.


MUSKULO-SKELETTALES-KONZEPT NORDWEST-SCHWEIZ 14.12.2017, 13.00-17.30 Uhr St. Jakob-Park, Basel

Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, Prof. Dr. Diego Kybur
Download: Broschüre


Management of Severe Deformities in Foot & Ankle Surgery
International IBRA Advanced Instructional Course

November 24 – 25, 2017
Basel, Switzerland
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano

Volkskrankheit Arthrose – Ursachen, Prävention, Behandlung
Publikumsreferat - Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, SWISS ORTHO CENTER

Donnerstag, 21. September 2017, 18:15 Uhr
Schmerzklinik Basel, Foyer, Hirschgässlein 11–15, 4010 Basel

Osteoarthritis – Etiology, Prevention, Treatment
Presentation Open to Public by Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, SWISS ORTHO CENTER
Thursday, 21. September 2017, 6.15 pm
Schmerzklinik Basel, Foyer, Hirschgässlein 11–15, 4010 Basel

Fortgeschrittenen Instruktionskurs für Fuss- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie
15. - 16. September 2017 Hannover, Germany Wissenschaftliche Tagungsleitung: Prof. Dr. Christina Stukenborg-Colsman, Hannover, DE Dr. Christian...

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, Basel, CH


11. GOTS-Schweiz Sommertreffen 2017: Ballsportarten
25. - 26. August 2017 Seehotel Waldstätterhof, 6440 Brunnen

Dr. med. Lukas Weisskopf
Dr. med. Christian Egloff
Prof. Dr. Dr. V. Valderrabano
Dr. med. Pascal Molteni

Programm Download


Symposium / Conference: Jugendlichkeit in der Medizin / Youthfulness in Medicine
1. Juni 2017, Privatklinik Obach, Solothurn, Switzerland

Vortrag / Lecture - Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Victor Valderrabano:
Knorpelrekonstruktion durch AMIC (Autologe Matrixinduzierte Chondrogenese) /

Cartilage Reconstruction by AMIC (Autologous Matrix Induced Chondrogenesis)

Swiss Foot and Ankle Society Symposium 2017
May 18 & 19, 2017 / Basel

Thursday, May 18, 2017, 13.00 – 16.30 h, Pre-Day

Approaches & Anatomy − SFAS & IBRA Collaboration
AMTS, Kriegackerstrasse 100, 4132 Muttenz
Anatomy Laboratory: Approaches & Anatomy in Foot & Ankle Surgery

Friday, May 19, 2017, 09.00 – 17.00 h, SFAS-Symposium

Aula Personalwohnsiedlung (PWS), Standort Bruderholz Kantonsspital Basel, 4101 Bruderholz
Topics: Syndesmotic Lesions and Malleolar Fractures Complications in Foot & Ankle Surgery


Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano
Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann
PD Dr. Markus Knupp

In cooperation with: IBRA

See PDF enclosed

Assistant of Prof. Valderrabano: Mrs Charlotte Rauber

F.A.M.E. specialty day
Sehnenläsionen im Sport

Swiss Medical Network Musculoskeletal Conference 2017
31.03.2017, Kursaal Bern, Switzerland

Organizing committee

Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano
Chairman, SWISS ORTHO CENTER, Schmerzklinik Basel, Swiss Medical Network

Blaise Zambaz
Chief Medical Officer, Swiss Medical Network

Scientific committee

  • Dr. Dominique-François Gazielly
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Hügle
  • Dr. Urs Munzinger
  • Dr. Danilo Togninalli
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano
  • Blaise Zambaz


Swiss Medical Network, Route du Muids 3, CP 100, CH-1272 Genolier

Program and Online-Registration